
You can send filled request forms to our main email address where you can contact us with any additional questions or suggestions:

NLuthor [at] gmail [dot] com

Note: On the right panel at the top you will see when we accept requests and when not.  If accepting requests is ON your requests will be considered, if it’s OFF it’s because of most likely work overload and your requests made in that period will probably be deleted. Please keep this in mind.

To keep our project as organized as possible we ask you to fill out these request forms in order to request our free services:
Note: Please read through the User Agreement below before sending a request

Your name:
Your company (optional):
Your contact:
Service that you request (web design / image design):

In case of a web design request:
Name of the website:
Short description:
Web site color scheme:
Specific requests:
Hosting details(paid*/free):
Deadline (if any):
Additional comments:

* – we do not offer hosting nor do we offer to pay your hosting fees. Also we do not offer domain name services.

In case of a image design request:
Type (logo / banner / ad):
Where will it be used:
Short description:
Specifics (color scheme, any specific image included):
Deadline (if any):
Additional comments:

If you are having problems understanding how to fill out these request forms we have included an example request form.


User Agreement:

By sending a request form to us you automatically agree on these terms:
1. You understand that our service is free of any charge and that you do not have to provide any financial funding for any of your legitimate requests.
2. You understand that we offer services listed in the Current Free Services list only. We do not offer hosting of the websites, domain name or any other services not listed in the CFS list.
3. You agree on advertising us in your website(s) made by us. (The small printed ad on the bottom of a website)
4. You agree that we can use links to the websites made by us and / or the images designed by us in our portfolio.
5. You agree that we can terminate or reject your request at any given time without any reason. (Most unlikely but in case of work overload we have the right to terminate work on your request, pause it or reject it. Additionally you mostly likely will be informed of any of these changes including a reason.)

Any violation of these agreements might result legal actions against the user.